Course curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction to Investing

    • Why Do We Need To Invest?

    • What Is Investing?

    • What Kind of Returns Can I Expect?

    • Dollar Cost Averaging vs Lump Sum Investing - Which is Better?

  • 2

    A Crash Course into Index Investing

    • Investing in Exchange Traded Funds

    • How To Analyse ETFs [Case Studies]

    • Mutual Funds (also known as Unit Trusts)

    • Investing via Regular Shares Savings (RSS) Plans [Singapore]

    • Investing via Robo-Advisors

    • When Do I Sell?

  • 3

    More Resources

    • Index Returns vs Individual Stock Returns

    • Index Investing vs. Income, Value or Growth Investing

    • How To Analyse REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts)

    • How To Create A Passive Income Generating Portfolio

    • Constructing a Diversified Investment Portfolio

    • Bonus